Our Manifesto
The Liberal Democrats' policies are voted upon by the members - yes, that's right - it is YOU who helps determine the policies that you want to be pursued. for LibDems in France, things are no different. Every year, at our AGM, we put forward those things we think are important to our members and ask for feedback and further suggestions. The votes determine our next steps forward
Liberal Democrats are internationalists
Liberal Democrats are internationalists – we understand that by working together, people and countries can achieve so much more than they can alone.
It is a difficult time for people who believe in international co-operation.
WE are fighting to defend international Liberalism
Liberals have been challenged by the vote to leave the EU, the election of increasingly nationalist and isolationist leaders across the globe, and a Conservative government seeking new trade deals with countries who are fundamentally opposed to our liberal values. With the election of Donald Trump and an increasingly assertive Russia, we must work to defend the international liberal order
We are patriotic, optimistic and progressive
The Liberal Democrat approach to Britain’s place in the world is patriotic, optimistic and progressive. We will work with our European and other international partners to promote the ideals that bring us together and make us more secure – championing human rights, helping the poorest people in the world and protecting our country and our allies.
committed to justice and equity
Liberal Democrats have always been – and remain – strongly committed to ensuring justice and equity for poor people around the world. We believe that the UK must continue to play a leading role in ending poverty and promoting environmentally sustainable development, through implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.